Arrangments for Equines exported to the EU via the Channel Crossing.
Many of you will have seen this link on FB and Eurotunnel have posted something similar.
There has been some who have dismissed this information as “fake news”. Celia Clarke, Chair of the 826 Committee, has sought clarification from Simon Waterfield, who is the person responsible for Equine ID and Movement at DEFRA who has allowed Celia to pass on his reply to her query in full so that it can be shared.
“Calais and Coquelles (the French end of Eurotunnel) had both previously indicated that they envisaged capacity problems in dealing with the volume of equines from GB that were likely to require Border Control Post (BCP) checks from 1st January (EU BCPs will need to check all equines arriving from GB). I had previously mentioned that Calais at least, was introducing an appointments process (with no equines, registered [ie those with studbook PIO passports and zootechnic documents] or unregistered [those with ID-only passports and related extra documentation], being able to clear the port, without an appointment). This is obviously confirmed by the DFDS announcement you reference.
What is happening at Coquelles and other potential entry points along the Channel coast (and indeed elsewhere eg at inland airport BCPs) is a matter for the appropriate authorities in the Member States concerned. But I would certainly recommend your members contacting their potential BCP of arrival and checking with them, what the latest arrangements are (and doing so well in advance of your intended travel, so that you can plan accordingly). Worth pointing out though, that as far as I am aware, there are currently still no EU ‘Channel’ BCPs approved for the movement of livestock (as distinct from equines) as yet, so this is something of an equine-specific issue.
As you know, GB will not be undertaking BCP checks for imports of any equines (or livestock) from the EU between January and July this year (with any checks being done remotely or at point of final destination – and even then on a risk-basis only ie not all equines will be subject to physical or ID checks). Even from July, the checks at GB BCPs will still only be taken on a risk-basis. Certainly the intention is that GB will do all it can to facilitate the movement of equines (and livestock) into the country.”