BCPS Breed Show – Al Fresco Supper
On the evening of Friday 16th July we are organising an Al Fresco supper at the Breed Show, provided by Andrew and Liz of Farrier’s Fayre.
Social Distancing is extremely important, so we would ask you to bring your own chairs and stay within your groups.
The menu will be Lasagne with Salad and a Desert. The cost is £14. 50 per person. Please indicate if you require a vegetarian option.
The Society will be supplying a complimentary glass of wine or soft drink and you will receive a Raffle ticket for a raffle which will be drawn towards the end of the meal.
The Supper will be served at 7.30pm
Weather permitting it will be served in the quadrangle behind the reception area, if wet we can use the lecture room near the catering trailer or the Indoor/Outdoor School.
Tickets need to be purchased by Monday 12th July.
To purchase tickets please apply to cherry.caddy(at)gmail.com
BACS Payments to
South East Connemaras Account No 52128708
Sort Code 09-01-55 (Reference AF Supper)
PayPal: southeast@britishconnemaras.co.uk