BCPS Breed Show information
Moreton Morell have been very helpful and made more stables available for Saturday night. We think that everyone who wanted one has now been contacted but if you are still in need of a stable The link is https://www.myridinglife.com/eventdetails.aspx?id=416568 Email queries wprodwell@warwickshire.ac.uk.
The Show pre-entries will be posted early next week.
Dressage Competitors:- For Test times please ring Jan Funnell on 01295 758002 Friday 14th July 2023 between the hours of 6pm-8pm.
Jan will also take declarations for Combined Training – which Test and which SJ Class to count.
Alternatively, declaration for Combined Training only can be made to the Dressage Steward before 9.30am on Dressage Day.